Forums - SFA 3: how to do Gen's Gerikous(DP+K) all the way across the screen Show all 43 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- SFA 3: how to do Gen's Gerikous(DP+K) all the way across the screen ( Posted by kenryuakuma on 11:29:2001 02:22 AM: SFA 3: how to do Gen's Gerikous(DP+K) all the way across the screen Hey, Would you guys please tell me how to perform Gen's Gerikous(DP+K) all the way across the screen please, cuz I have tried it hard enough but I still couldn't get it down, I don't know when I start the second DP after the first one has finished. As you guys know that if you do the DP too early it won't work, if you do it too late, the opponent will fall on the ground quickly which is faster than you land or your opponent has fell on the ground already before you land. So I just wanna know when I shall input the DP to continue the Gerikous and perform it all the way across the screen, and also when I shall start the kick, what is the timing of all those stuffs. Posted by irish999 on 11:29:2001 06:58 PM: huh? Ya can't (true combo) the reverse waterfall - unless you're talking bout V-ism, and even then you need to be in the corner, DP+kick, tap fast (usually 3-4 hits, you don't want all 7), drop and cancel into another one. BTW the timing on this is whack. Doing a reverse waterfall any other time cannot be true comboed because you enter the neutral stance after you drop, I suppose you could combo into another if the opponent didn't flip and you hit them just right (i.e. lucky) Posted by kenryuakuma on 11:29:2001 10:52 PM: afsddfa No man, I have emailed to James Chen once, he said that you could do the DP+P all the way across the screen even though it is flippable. But he didn't really tell me the exact question that I asked him, which is unclear answer, I just want to have a response for this post of DP+P of Gen, it is also said that you can use it with Z or A-ism... Posted by 26 on 11:30:2001 07:53 AM: you want 3-4 hit gekirous. after the initial hit, wait a moment, then mash on K, land, repeat. the length of that 'moment', and the speed of mash, you'll learn with practice (and watching the vid carefully). remember, mash. if you're practicing on a d-pad you really have to put it on the floor and tap dat button... and umh, practice =) but i'm sure it's flippable... Posted by Arma^ on 11:30:2001 08:18 AM: Sure it's possible but as a number of ppl have pointed out it's flippable. Set it up from his rush super as they actually start in the air - it is possible just to start it from the ground and get them all the way across the screen but you're only gonna hit scrubs with this. If I remember rightly it takes 7 sets of 3/4 hits per juggle to get another super bar back - once you got your lvl 1 - mash into kick style, lvl grab 1 - that shit rocks I might try and make a movie tonight if I rememeber and if you're bothered. Posted by kenryuakuma on 11:30:2001 10:19 PM: asfdf Yes, you guys are so right, but What i wanna know is that when shall I start the DP?(F,D,FD) and what I am suppose to do after I did the DP? I think most of you are able to help! ARMA:I am bothering you now, please make a video, hahaha... Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:01:2001 09:17 PM: COME ON, help me please! Posted by Arma^ on 12:01:2001 10:46 PM: There you go - quick example. Knocked up in 5 mins so it's nothing fancy - just shows you what to do and how to do it Any questions fire away. Peace. Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:01:2001 10:52 PM: afsda Come on Arma^, just please tell me when I should start the DP. You probably know though. Then next question is how long you have been using or playing or practicing Gen or his combos? is that your homepage [url][/url] Posted by Arma^ on 12:01:2001 11:13 PM: Start the DP? As early as humanly possible - then a slight pause - then 2/3 really fast kicks - basically you're looking to get Gen to drop by breaking the rules of the DP kick (that the pause in between is shorter each time) by hitting it fast you can't shorten it as it's already really too short to shorten - lol - if you get what I mean. I've been using Gen for ages. A-Gen is and always will be my main char. Posted by SRWILSON on 12:01:2001 11:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Arma^ There you go - quick example. Knocked up in 5 mins so it's nothing fancy - just shows you what to do and how to do it Any questions fire away. Peace. just posting to say sweet combo Arma^ !!!!! Posted by Arma^ on 12:01:2001 11:26 PM: lol - i've landed that on some ppl at Namco before that are pure scrubby - they're always like " WTF WAS THAT? " as I explain the theory of flipping to them - dear me Posted by SRWILSON on 12:01:2001 11:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by Arma^ lol - i've landed that on some ppl at Namco before that are pure scrubby - they're always like " WTF WAS THAT? " as I explain the theory of flipping to them - dear me Yah man just absolute fucking class ! Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:01:2001 11:58 PM: afsd Come on Arma^, your vid is damn sweety man! It is hella good, but I really don't understand your letter, can you explain it to me a little more clearly please! I am confused, Hey where is your homepage(website which you personally own it)? try make some more vid hehehe... Posted by Arma^ on 12:02:2001 01:10 AM: I'm not sure what you're asking - it's all there in the vid. Easiest setup is from the super - higher lvl the better as you get bigger gap from you to them and give them less room to flip over you. it's just dp+k....kk, land, repeated forever. Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:02:2001 04:18 PM: adfsa My question was "when I should start the DP?" Because your explanation wasn't clear, it is a bit confusing, and confused me! So my purpose for this question is to ask you for the re-help. Posted by Arma^ on 12:02:2001 06:23 PM: like I said - as early as possible as they'll be higher in the air when you hit them -> i'm refering to landing it after the super right? What's hard to understand about that? Posted by Arma^ on 12:02:2001 06:25 PM: lol cool Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:02:2001 10:48 PM: I think I am too stupid to understand your response... Can you repeat or rewrite one more time please! You said as early as possible that doesn't refer to when I should start the DP, maybe ya have mentioned or I am probably too dumb. Your vid is hella cool man, Try to make some more. Posted by Arma^ on 12:02:2001 11:26 PM: Watch the video!? You start the DP+K at the earliest possible chance to do so - ie. once you're in a neutral stance. Where's the problem here!? Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:03:2001 01:09 AM: asfsd I am talking about the second one, after the first Gerikous(DP+k) then, the second one's DP, when should I start doing the second DP? don't I have to do the DP as Gen lands or being in neutral stance? doesn't the DP need to be done really fast? I just make myself clearly understand. Posted by Arma^ on 12:03:2001 08:04 AM: The second Gen lands start another dp+k, it's ALL about doing the dps as early as possible so the opponent doesn't drop to far. Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:03:2001 10:31 PM: adsd come on Arma^, just spend your little time to write it clearly and list all of the details, YOU just said as early as possible, that wasn't really helpful at all, please man, All I need is a clear explanation man, come on you are good at him though, I always admire you as I play alpha or use Gen for my main character, i know you can do it, gen master, just make it clear to me. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 12:04:2001 06:00 AM: d00d, don't be lame, Arma has gone through a lot of trouble just to help you, if you can't figure it out after a vid and 10 posts...learn how to play the game...hell, I even put my Alpha 3 back into my DC just to see how hard the combo was and had it solid in 10 minutes... Arma, nice to see you're still kickin, haven't seen you around in a while. p34s -GW Posted by Arma^ on 12:04:2001 07:53 AM: Kenryuakuma: Have you actually tried the combo? If there's a particular place in the combo you're failing on then MAYBE I could help - as for asking when to start doing the dps? Why is as early as possible hard enough to grasp? It almost sounds like you've not even tried the combo itself and just want some detailed explanation to throw into an FAQ or something!? Just tell me where it's going wrong. Gouki-Worshiper: sup d00d - Been busy of late with finding/starting new job and stuff so gaming took a bit of a back self - no CVS2 machine in the UK yet *sighs* Still good ole A3 though eh? Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:04:2001 10:30 PM: afafdsa You know Arma^, I have tried it several times, but I always fail while I am ready to do the second one. No matter how fast i did or press the Kick, I always fail to connect, So that is why I ask you when I must start the DP? If you are not sure, please tell me when you start the DP? Posted by Arma^ on 12:05:2001 07:46 AM: ok well if you're missing the 2nd one there's a number of reason: 1) you're simply not entering the command quick enough and after the first dp they're dropping too far for you to do it again. 2) You're timing on the hits from the DP is wrong - watch the video, first hit connects.. slight pause -> 2 really quick kicks. This is for 2 reasons - firstly it pushes them up higher and also you land quicker giving you MORE time to re-enter the DP command and re-juggle them. The only answer to when I start the dp is what I keep telling you - AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - the second you land - start again - speed and timing is the key. I should have got some sound with the movie too as it would have helped tbh. Just keep praticing! *considers doing a Gen combo and training vid over the weekend* Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:05:2001 06:42 PM: all right man, thanks a lot, have a nice time baby! I will keep practicing until I don't understand I will ask you again, but anyway you have really helped me a lot! Posted by kcxj on 12:06:2001 06:44 AM: Gen training vid? Hell, I'd download that. Being able to taunt my opponents with "You are weak foo'!" sounds very nice... very nice indeed Posted by chenchen on 12:07:2001 03:30 AM: afsd What speed do you play with, Arma^? I have such a problem too, and I play the speed of turbo three, it seems that I have always not been able to land Gen's waterfall kick, and I use the D-pad. Posted by Arma^ on 12:07:2001 07:36 AM: Arcade -> Always turbo 2. If you're talking about landing all the kicks, James Chen posted a very good description on how to land them all.. Basically the gap between button presses has to be shorter each time otherwise Gen will just drop to the floor. So basically you're looking to make the FIRST gap between kicks quite large to make the rest easier. the last 3 hits can be pretty much mashed as well - it is worth learning as the last hit does that bit more damage so practice! Start with landing all the short version, then strong and finally roundhouse. Dunno if i'm gonna be able to do the Gen vid this weekend as my PSX connect is scart - I need an S-Video cable or a composite cable to connect to my TV card. Damn. I'll try and sort something out. Posted by chenchen on 12:08:2001 04:02 AM: fdafsd Why don't you make a vid with all gen's combo and with transcript also, which tell people what the timing they are, just like three-11 in Posted by Arma^ on 12:08:2001 09:58 AM: Yeah this is what I was gonna do - but other stuff like various stuff vs various people i've picked up over time. Posted by 26 on 12:08:2001 12:11 PM: Arma^ you seem pretty capable with Z-Gen. i can use him okay, but i always have trouble doing the Gekirou across the screen trick. you mentioned before (i remember that avatar ) that you seem to do okay against top tier and V-ism awith Gen. i was wondering how you handle V-Sakura... Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:08:2001 04:13 PM: be quick about it Arma^! don't turtle man, it will be very nice of you to help Posted by Arma^ on 12:09:2001 03:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by 26 Arma^ you seem pretty capable with Z-Gen. i can use him okay, but i always have trouble doing the Gekirou across the screen trick. you mentioned before (i remember that avatar ) that you seem to do okay against top tier and V-ism awith Gen. i was wondering how you handle V-Sakura... First things first, where I live the competition isn't as good as say Japan or the hardcore A3 players around America. Still I can hold myself against those that can V. First rule I always apply - if they have any bar (50%) or greater I don't jump. Gen fight from the ground in both styles. Punch style: c. strong, c. fierce, c. rh, s.rh, s. strong - all have uses from the ground. *thinks of an example* ok - s. strong beats any " roll " type attacks like Blanka ball -> Counter Hit s. strong, kick style, lvl 3 grab super = damage. Kick Style: counter hit c. fierce is awesome - but use it right - What I usually do is this: from a chain attack where you're given time to charge (I use c. jab, c. jab, c. short, c. forward, c. fierce for example or c. jab, c. jab, 100 hand slap move) in the recover frames of both moves enter kick style now look at the options you've got: Fireball? Roll under. Turtler? Bounce of them walls or go for c. fierce counter hit. Jumper? Grab super. Ok Sak... hmm I've not played any really top Sakuras cept when i'm ocassionally in London *nods to the Fox*. From what I remember then like to throw a lot of s. rh and b. fierce and anti-air c. fierce heh. Remember Gen's got range and a rush super that can be used to blow through pokers or even anti air. Her best VCs like anyone else are anti air - I can't stress enough about no jumping unless you're 2000% sure you can crossup or whatever. Hmm as far as air priority - I'm not sure how Gen matches up to Sak - but i'm guessing that kick style j. fierce could be effective. This is the main attack I use to set up crouch cancel combos err like: j. fierce ch, cc j. fierce ( into corner ), dp+k, kick style, grab super. Stuff like that - you can add all sorts in like c. jab, s. fierce (1 hit) THEN the dp - then the super. ouch! Gekirou Mind Strats I love this; You hit someone with a dp + k, mashed into kick style grab super........ once they've flipped. This sure does put ppl in the frame of mind of thinking -> " Hmm i've got less chance of getting hit with that if I don't flip ". This is where the repeated dp+k combos can come in - and remember lvl 3 grab super can literally pick them from a pixel from the floor - pure head stamps ^_^ Sorry about the actually lack of Sak strats but she's not a common char where I play in the shitty UK. If you really wanna piss ppl - just keeping bouncing off the opposite walls then hold towards them, land, kick style, then you can either go for the grab super, c. rh - stuff like that. kenryuakuma: Read what I said in my last post Posted by 26 on 12:09:2001 03:54 PM: hey, thanks for that. it was a bit obscure, but i think i picked upa a few tips, even if it wasn't on fighting V-Sakura. i normally end my chains with s.RK, but i see using a full crouching chain allows you to go into charge moves right after. damn... i play this V-Sak and i can't see any way around her. you guessed right about the standing roundhouses, but aside from that she's got fireballs. from midscreen all she does is throw fireballs and roundhouses, and i can't touch her coz i can't jump. his mantis sweep is great, but the VC goes right through it. and his standing RK seems like nothing compared to hers... it's been a while since i played that V-Sak actually so my recolelction is a bit blurry, but i remember being really scarce of options when i played this mofo... Posted by Ironforce on 12:09:2001 04:08 PM: I don't know if I can be any more help then Arma, but Gen, Guy, and Gief were the 3Gs for me in Alpha, and for the first two I spent a good few days in training mode (not all day, but you get the picture) trying to do the kick flip and then raise them again into another Gekirou. Arma is telling you how to do it correctly, it's just that the timing is so precise that it's difficult to tell unless you keep in mind all the factors that affect the juggle. One is the weight of the char you're performing the juggle on, some fall faster then others, and your best bet is to use the char Arma used in the video if you hadn't been doing so already. Second, the Gekirou flip out is easier if the opponent is already in the air, as in, they are jumping in. If the opponent is next to you when you start the gekirou, it's not impossible, but it's considerably harder to tap k quickly enough and buffer another Gekirou motion to continue the combo. The less timing precise it is for you the better. Have the opponent jumping straight up, position yourself accordingly, and hit them so that your foot just begins to clip them, that way, when you paused and tap k repeatedly for the 3-4 hits, their body is higher in the air, and you have more time before the body is too low for the 2nd Gekirou to register. The Combo I had been trying to perform took me a day or so, it was when I had been using Gen for about a month. If you can do the 8 hit version with the roundhouse first, that's the way I learned you get used to the timing and positioning for the flip out. You can't really say do the dp again .67 seconds after the first, you just have to watch it carefully and get a feel for it, most timing precise juggle combos are that way. I'm guessing you were trying to do the JChensor video, where he does the J. Roundhouse, c.(ground chain ends in forward, I forgot) into terrible shadow, and then proceded to juggle with 2 Gekirous into a jab ouga(I think that's what the ground roll was called) I advise you use the short version, then the forward version. I did get the combo eventually, but it wasn't without a turbo controller so I could do the rapid k tapping after the first gekirou, I wasn't very good on PSX controllers back then. That's how precise it is. Anyway, good luck. Hope this clears things up? Posted by Arma^ on 12:09:2001 05:30 PM: Good point - I didn't mention strengths -> that vid was done purely with short dp+k, but to get them all the way to the corner you need to mix up as Ironforce pointed out. I'm not the best at explaining things online rather than in person Posted by Arma^ on 12:09:2001 05:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by 26 hey, thanks for that. it was a bit obscure, but i think i picked upa a few tips, even if it wasn't on fighting V-Sakura. i normally end my chains with s.RK, but i see using a full crouching chain allows you to go into charge moves right after. damn... i play this V-Sak and i can't see any way around her. you guessed right about the standing roundhouses, but aside from that she's got fireballs. from midscreen all she does is throw fireballs and roundhouses, and i can't touch her coz i can't jump. his mantis sweep is great, but the VC goes right through it. and his standing RK seems like nothing compared to hers... it's been a while since i played that V-Sak actually so my recolelction is a bit blurry, but i remember being really scarce of options when i played this mofo... I'd say use Kick style mainly - roll under fireballs - but don't get predicted and read - especially if you're a fullscreen. So many times people have worked out i'm gonna try and roll under the fireballs/projectiles and set their range correct for a perfect crossup. Err bounce off the walls too - always good I only find s. rh good for stopping ppl jumping at close range, ending chains (sometimes), and using for his Prox cancel Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:09:2001 06:09 PM: afasa I think you should have been familiar with Guy too, shouln't you? His combos, super combos, chain combos, ground attack... it will be nicer of you to include his combo in the vid also, but your explanation was so amazing man! keep up your good work OK! hahaha! Posted by Ironforce on 12:09:2001 06:57 PM: The standing roundhouse is a pretty good idea for a poke. I was always hooked on the c.fierce, but I caught a lot of jump ins on the recovery since it takes more frames to get up and counter from a crouch. Guy is played a little different from Gen though, he's still a juggle god but he doesn't have combos quite as demanding as Gen because his combos more rely on his chains, and you don't need to switch styles or be as time precise, you just need to know the rhythm for it. Of course, being less demanding they're not as stylish as masta Gen, but I dunno, they're my faves, what can I do really. If you want any combos there are a couple I know that I spent a few hours in training mode doing. I'm sure you know about his 4 hit chain. (Corner) J.Fierce, s.jab, s.strong, s.fierce, s.roundhouse, s.strong, s.fierce, Fierce Bushin Leap into the grab That's the basic one I know, I used to use it religiously. (Corner) J.dn strong, s.jab, s.strong, s.fierce, s.roundhouse, L3 Bushin eight double fist, that's his basic corner combo, and I think it works outside of it, I played alpha so long ago (Corner) J.Fierce, s. jab, s. strong, s.fierce, s.roundhouse, s. strong, s. fierce, Bushin Dash (Shinobi style run), with roundhouse into Roundhouse version, that last part has to be done quickly, qcf+k, k like one right after the other (Corner) J.Fierce, s.jab, s.strong, Bushin Hurricane, s.strong, s.fierce, into Bushin Grab I'm pretty sure this works, can't remember (Corner) J. Fierce, s.jab, s. strong, s.fierce, s.roundhouse, from here you can do a couple things 1. s. jab, s. strong, s. fierce, s. roundhouse 2. s. jab, s. strong, Bushin Hurricane I know Just other options As you can see, he's corner dependent, but if you know how to use him it doesn't take too long to corner someone before the fun begins. He's evil just like Gen Hope this helps Late Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:10:2001 01:44 AM: asdffsda It looks pretty easy, but in fact, they are damn damn damn difficult to perform, especially when you wanna connect the Mp after the three-jab-punch, which is also really hard to connect the mp into the hp after the three-jab-punch. Furthermore, it is also hard to connect the super-kick after his four-hit-chain, but those are really cool combo, I really like them, thanks, but please help me with his four-hit-chain. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:36 PM. Show all 43 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.